vegetables and kids

Pumpkin Pancake Crumbles

It took me a long time to figure out what to call this recipe. “Weird McGeerd Pumpkin Scrambled Eggs” is probably more accurate.  But no one is going to want to make pumpkin scrambled eggs, no matter how good they actually taste.  It sounds gross-o. Here’s the back story.  We have a recipe for paleo […]

Broccoli for Haters

  Generally, I do not like vegetables– broccoli included.  Well, I used to be a hater until this recipe converted me.  We make the following recipe every week, if not a couple times per week.  It’s a tasty and affordable side that can be thown together with little fuss. Frugal note:  I like to stock up […]

Taco Glump


***From our July 2, 2013 Journal Archives*** Cee continues to struggle with pain.  The back of her head/neck area and her leg seem to be the main areas lately.  She wakes up stiff, gets better throughout the day, and then mid-afternoon she starts having pain again.  This is the pattern she was in before Mayo, and […]