
Christmas for Joseph - Can you help?


When sweet Rosie shared the loss of her daughter and plans for Christmas 2021, my heart broke for their family. We participated in her Margaret’s Stocking project last year. We prayed for their family. We thought of them often, long after Christmas, hoping that their hearts were healing. Little did we know that we would […]

This One's for the Saddies

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Today is the feast of Our Lady of Sorrow, which I have never really acknowledged or celebrated until today. In fact, I remember specifically skipping over Our Lady of Sorrows resources in a past Catholic Mom bundle. I thought something like, “Oh, this really isn’t my jam.” Like, there’s enough sadness in the world to […]

For anyone frustrated with God: A Book


This post contains affiliate links. When my friend Christy announced she was writing a book, I knew I’d buy a copy. She’s so funny and smart that it didn’t matter if it was a nonfiction book on house cats or a dystopian middle grade novel — I’d buy it, no questions. The real book, however, […]

Wishing Karma Was a Thing


Nobody asked me. When the world was getting set up, nobody asked me how it should work. Maybe it would have been a good idea. I don’t know all the history and meaning of what “karma” actually is. What I wish was a thing was if you put good out into the world, it will […]

MSB {35}:  Soil and the Thorns of Suffering

This blurry-ish picture is courtesy of Cee for My Sunday Best.  I’m wearing my favorite Lularoe Carly. And here’s the rest of the crew: That about sums it up.     Every week, I go into Mass expecting to get a little note from God.  (The readings used by the Catholic Church are pre-set.  The Catholics […]

MSB {28}:  On Sheep and Over Zealous Picking

  If you’ve been following My Sunday Best for awhile, you know that occasionally I get a little cheat-sy.  I’m supposed to post a picture of what I wore to Mass.  Well, what I wore this week was pretty much the same as last time. So I offer the substitute picture of me and Bea […]

MSB {27}: Shuffling back to Jerusalem

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Moe insisted he wanted to be in the picture with me this week, but he couldn’t be troubled to sit still or pose.  So here’s the result for My Sunday Best: Sweater, shirt, shoes:  Lands’ End Skirt:  Lularoe Necklace:  Kohl’s superclearance   Now, onto Mass thoughts.  I’ve heard the Emmaus Road reading lots of times […]

Anxiety, Faith, and the Outcome Spectrum Method


I have a weird approach to life’s obstacles.  I think about the best thing that could happen in any situation, and then also the worst case scenario.  Somehow it’s comforting to know that however things actually unfold, it will be somewhere on the spectrum of things I’ve already considered.  Maybe I could call it the Outcome […]

MSB {22}:  On Gawking and Wayward Ducklings

Oh, man. We were due.  We’ve had a lot of so-so or fine Mass experiences lately.  So we were due for a whopper. But first– the picture.  This is my Sunday best from last week, because I didn’t get around to posting then.  It works out great because this week I didn’t get around to posing. […]

MSB {21}: Ugh.  The Beatitudes


I took the oldest two to Mass today, so I was able to hear the whole homily.  The wheelchair accessible pew was even open.  Yay! I tried something new for My Sunday Best.  I’ve been watching a lot of Hilary Rushford from Dean Street Society, and one of her tips is shopping your closet for […]