
Wholesome Ice Cream (Dairy Free!)

  A lifesaver in the whole food world has been our improvised ice cream.  It’s almost too good to be true, because of its simplicity. Wholesome Ice Cream Ingredients: frozen ripe banana chunks (optional:  other frozen fruit, vanilla, cocoa powder, nut butters, etc.) (optional parent add in:  liquors of any sort) Peel, slice, and freeze banana chunks […]

Pumpkin Pancake Crumbles

It took me a long time to figure out what to call this recipe. “Weird McGeerd Pumpkin Scrambled Eggs” is probably more accurate.  But no one is going to want to make pumpkin scrambled eggs, no matter how good they actually taste.  It sounds gross-o. Here’s the back story.  We have a recipe for paleo […]

Watermelon Pops


We don’t really do much for sweets around these parts.  We’ve done some baking with almond flour and coconut flour, but they tend to be expensive.  Fruit has become our go-to dessert and snack.  For months the kids have been asking if the grocery store has watermelon yet, because they couldn’t wait to start having watermelon pops […]

Taco Glump


***From our July 2, 2013 Journal Archives*** Cee continues to struggle with pain.  The back of her head/neck area and her leg seem to be the main areas lately.  She wakes up stiff, gets better throughout the day, and then mid-afternoon she starts having pain again.  This is the pattern she was in before Mayo, and […]