
Last night after supper, the girls were off playing, and David came into the living room where I was.  He looked amused. David:  Oh, I forgot to tell you that I caught Elle in the bathroom frosting cupcakes. Me:  (confused) What?!…Oh…the handsoap.  Was that her frosting? David:  Yep. Me:  What was she using as a cupcake? David: […]


Elle had a stomach bug all day today, so I made friends with Mr. Clorox Wipes.  It was an interesting switch in the dynamics of the house to have Cee doing okay, but Elle sick.  I think it was good for the girls to see that the grass really isn’t greener on the other side.  Hopefully the lesson […]

Back before Mayo we went to see a pediatric hematologist.  I hadn’t ever been to that clinic before, so I made sure we got there early.  Cee and I wandered around a little, found where we were supposed to be, and then went to the bathroom.  Poor Cee!  She was sitting on the potty, but […]


For the first time in…weeks? months? Elle convinced Cee to play babies.  As they tucked in their little dollies, there was no mention of doctor appointments, blood work, or medicine.  Just blankets and naps and all those things Cee hasn’t thought about in a long time. And it made me smile. Sure, she only played for a few […]