Library Love {3}


Linking up with a gentle mother to share the best of our library pile this week.

Treasures from our Checkout Pile

How’s a spork supposed to belong when he feels like he doesn’t fit in with either the spoons in his mum‘s family or the forks in his dad’s?  Maybe it’s a stretch to call this a culinary vocation story, but for sure it’s a book about embracing differences.





I didn’t realize that 10 Hungry Rabbits was a board book when I put it on hold at the library.  After losing, finding, re-losing, and re-finding our last library board book, I had sworn off getting any more EVER AGAIN!  Their small size means more opportunities  to get stuck or misplaced.

However, this one is worth the risk.  It’s a counting book where vegetables are the counted objects.  Bonus:  it features a bigger-than-average family.




We’re long time fans of How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, so it was fun to find this sister title.  (Is that how to refer to two books by the same author?  Sisters?  Brothers?  Cousins?  Hmmm…)

This book focuses on the materials, not the ingredients, necessary to make the pie.  Having visited Mount Rushmore this summer, the kids appreciated its cameo in the story.




Thanks for stopping by!  You can catch new posts via facebookbloglovin, or email subscription (above).

Do you have any library treasures to share?  I’m always working on putting a batch on hold for next week! ?


PS– Although the goal is to suggest books for your family’s next library trip, if you happen to order something using these Amazon links, we receive a small commission at no cost to you!  Thanks!


  1. // Reply

    I love those pie books- so fun! And I haven’t heard of the spork one; will have to look for it in our system. 🙂
    Also, three cheers for bigger-than-average family books!

  2. // Reply

    I just placed the Cherry Pie book on hold. We loved the Apply Pie book and I somehow missed that there was a . . . . related . . . book!

    1. // Reply

      We had missed it, too! It’s like I should take our favorite books and do some checking to see if their authors are more than one-hit-wonders. 🙂

  3. // Reply

    The Marjorie Priceman books sounds really nice. I think we’ll try those out. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. // Reply

      I’m not sure if she has a Canadian version, but the “Apple Pie” book involves the whole world. 🙂

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