JEI {13}: Happy Day of Gluttony!

Welcome to the weekly link up, Just Enough Info (JEI).  The internets can be a great source of community, and I’d love to get to know you better!  Feel free to share your answers in the comments or link up if you have a blog.


David joked the other day that we’re getting ready for the kids’ favorite holiday.  You know, the one devoted entirely to gluttony.  (He prefers the Fourth of July, which is devoted to gluttony AND blowing things up, but Thanksgiving is nice, too.  🙂 )


1. Do you have to cook for Thanksgiving? If yes, what’s on the menu? If no, high five!

I’ll take the high-five.  We go elsewhere for Thanksgiving and bring only ourselves.  Given the level of chutzpah needed to get my monsters out the door, we’d probably only be able to muster up store-bought dinner rolls anyway.

2. What famous person would you like to invite to your family Thanksgiving?


One of the Kratt brothers.  Have you seen those guys?!?!  They’d regale my kids with animal stories and thinly veiled hyper-environmentalism while I load up on all the “salads” and pie.  Sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving!






3. Excluding family, health and basic needs met – what are 3 things that you are thankful for?

  1.  Norwex.  Stop!  Don’t roll your eyes.  Here’s an example of my gratitude for Norwex.

When Cee got sick, pretty much anything non-essential got pushed to the back burner.  That included scrubbing our master bathroom shower.  Every so often I’d half-heartedly go at it with a scrub brush and chemical (bleach, cleanser, vinegar and baking soda), but nothing has worked.  For years.

It got to the point that I decided when we went to sell the house, we’d just offer the buyers an allowance to get a new shower.

With my Norwex party a couple weeks ago, I got lots of free things I wouldn’t have chosen for myself in addition to my wishlist items.  I decided to try out the descaler and Bathroom Scrub Mitt.

Are you ready for this?  Scroll fast if you have a weak stomach, because otherwise you might lose your Thanksgiving pumpkin-spice flavored cookies.


Oh, man.  Do you see how bad it was?!?!   It wasn’t even hard to make this much progress.  I just sprayed, waited 5 minutes, and wiped.  Then I repeated it a few times.  If you have cleaning problems, please let me know!  I’d love to help solve them now that I have Norwex super powers.


2.  A post-it note with our library card #

The quantity of books and movies available at the library can’t be beat.  I can do thematic units whenever I want.  David and I can rent date-night movies for free.  We just started watching this series, which wouldn’t be possible without our friend the library card.

The funny thing is, someone (we won’t say who…but it wasn’t me) actually lost our library card.  So we just transport the number back and forth on the best little post-it note ever.  I love you, little post-it!

3.  Our Veterans

#3 is serious.  The other day I saw a video of a boy from Syria, panicking while being treated for chlorine gas poisoning.  As a mother my heart broke for him and all the other children in the world who are facing challenges beyond imagination.  I can’t fathom living in a constant state of fear as they are.

In The United States our politics aren’t exactly squeaky clean, and there’s much room for improvement.  But at the end of the day we live in a country of freedom and peace.  I’m left with a feeling of  extreme gratitude for all those who have served our country and sacrificed so much.

During this time of Thanksgiving, let’s stop to say a prayer for those affected by conflict around the world.  For our politicians and world leaders.  And lastly, let’s say a prayer of thanksgiving for our veterans who have given us the gift of a Thanksgiving where the biggest decision we face is whether to choose cheesy or mashed potatoes.



Answer these three questions on your blog (making sure to link back here!) or in the comments.


This post contains affiliate links.  If you click through and make a purchase at Amazon, it all works the same for you, but we get a small commission.  I am a Norwex Independent Consultant.  Thank you for shopping We appreciate this very much!  🙂



  1. // Reply

    That Norwex difference is AMAZING!! How awesome!

    I also giggled about who you would invite to dinner – made me wonder why I didn’t choose someone to entertain the kidlets.

    And, yay for you not “having” to cook! I feel so awkward when we go to someone else’s home for holiday meals – I prefer to cook. But, the last two years, I have enjoyed not cooking, and only bringing a side-dish (or two) to someone else’s house.

    Happy Thanksgiving!! (And, I, too, love 4th of July!!)

  2. // Reply

    Oh snap. I totally have issues with our shower so I might have to hit you up after Christmas (when we usually have extra spending money, yay for grandparents)!

    1. // Reply

      I’m glad I’m not the only one! 🙂

  3. // Reply

    Oh man, I made a sweet potato dish for Thanksgiving dinner and these apple cranberry turnover-ish things for breakfast and I felt like it took me forever! I am SO glad I didn’t have to make more than that for turkey day.
    And my husband runs by the library often to pick up books I have on hold, so he has my # memorized and I have his card so I can pick up any holds he has when I go. That is so funny about your post-it! It changed my life when I realized my life could still go on without a “hard copy” library card. 😉

    1. // Reply

      Apple cranberry turnovers sound delish! 🙂

    1. // Reply

      Impressive! I use my library card # way more than my SSN, so it would be better to know that # instead, if I’ve got a limited memory. (Which I do.) 🙂

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