I shouldn’t have watched ER…

…because it made me paranoid.

I’ve got enough regular stuff to worry about without being concerned that:

-The hospital will have an outbreak of Ebola, and we’ll be put under lockdown.

-I’ll go to the bathroom and Cee will go from fine to cardiac arrest.

-Cee’s condition will be stable, but during a routine test David will start having a seizure and need to be admitted for some super serious illness.

-Any routine test will have terrible life-threatening results.

Medical shows should come with one of those parental advisory type messages.  “Warning:  By watching this program you will have a difficult time keeping these far-fetched situations out of your mind should you ever have an actual medical issue.  They will make you crazy, so watch at your own risk.”  Seems way more useful than those warning about not using a blow dryer in the bathtub.

As far as real life, Cee had her 4th MRI today.  I swore up and down to the staff that she had done the others without sedation and that she’d be fine.  When we got to radiology, though, things were different than Avera.  She wasn’t able to watch a movie during the procedure, and the MRI machine wasn’t quite as open.  She also needed to keep her ankle in a stabilizing cushion-thing.  She started to get worked up and use her screamy-growly voice to yell at the staff to go away.  (Consider yourself lucky that you haven’t heard it.  It’s creepy.)

By some miracle, she calmed down, though, (Thanks, I think to whoever was praying for us at 1:10 today!)  and went through the MRI like a champ.  No sedation.  No repeats.  In case she needed sedation, though, she wasn’t allowed to have breakfast or lunch.  So now it’s 2:50, and she’s starving.  Hopefully being starving means she’ll eat more than 2 bites, though.

I talked to a dietician yesterday.  I was concerned about trying to push her normal diet (boring cereal like Cheerios, lots of fruit, etc.) when she would happily not eat anything.  The dietician said at this point, we just want her to eat anything.  So a hot dog, cheetos, and a sugar cookie stay on the menu.  I’ll keep my thoughts about nitrates and fake orange coloring to myself, I guess.

We’ll have to see how the inflammation shows up on the MRI.  It doesn’t look like they’ll do the aspiration, which is nice, but it might have given us a few answers.  Cee’s white blood count is still high, and her inflammation numbers are higher than they’ve ever been.  Plus, she’s complaining of eye pain today, though her ankle isn’t in pain anymore.  We’re not sure what the next step will be.  “The Team” will be in later.  “The Team” is pretty great, so I’m sure they’ll have a plan.

I talked Cee into a sponge bath this morning, which she needed.  She was pretty ripe.  🙂

We appreciate all the kind and comforting words and especially all the prayers.  You never know when your quick prayer at a random time is the one that gives Cee peace during a doctor exam or blood draw, so thank you, thank you, thank you!

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