Happiness {4}: Peanuts Gang Style



Participants in “Write 31 Days” pledge to write for 30 minutes on a single topic every day in October.  My topic?  Happiness.


I was Lucy in our high school’s theater production of You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown.  It.  Was. Awesome.

I wasn’t awesome.  It was awesome.  Playing a stubborn, impatient, bossy older sister?  Super fun.

One of the songs, aptly titled “Happiness,” was a list of the things that made the Peanuts Gang happy.



I love the simplicity of the list.

…finding a pencil
…pizza with sausage
…catching a firefly


Happiness isn’t unattainable.  Happiness isn’t for someday when we make more money, overcome some obstacle, or reach a new milestone.  Happiness is for now.  

I’ve been guilty of wishing time away so I could get to a happy place.

“Once we’re married…”
“Once our house is built…”
“Once the baby comes…”
“Once I’m able to stay home full-time…”

I’ve said all these things, almost as an excuse for being crabby in the present.  As if somehow I would morph into the best version of myself after X, Y, or Z happened.  As if life would magically get easier.

Spoiler alert:  it never gets easier.

However, even when things are hard, it’s possible to delight in the childish things that Linus and Co. are singing about.  Especially when things are hard, it’s imperative to enjoy “two kinds of ice cream” and whistling.  Whistling!  When was the last time you whistled?!?!


Cee had her infusion on Monday.  Her hip is hurting less, but still enough to impact her activities.  Although I’m nervous about how this hiccup will play out, I know we’ll get through it.  I am trying really, really hard not to let the fear interfere with my happiness.  Had I not been journaling every day about it, I know I’d be in a very different place.

Right now, happiness is

plus-plus Waterfowlville*
…chocolate chips still left in the bag
…a full library basket and an empty compost bowl


*Elle got a set of plus-plus for her birthday from David’s parents.  Open-ended toys like this are definitely on my “happy list.”  Lately they kids have been playing “Waterfowlville.”  They make ducks, swans, etc. and a nest.   Love the name they came up with for it as well as the time they spend playing so I can write.  <3


Life is good.  I just need to keep my eyes open like Schroeder and Sally do so I can see it.


Follow along via facebookbloglovin, or email subscription (above).

Day 1:  The Evolution of an Idea
Day 2:  In a Cave
Day 3:  The Pursuit
Day 4:  Peanuts Gang Style
Day 5: A Beautiful Death


  1. // Reply

    I was Sally in “Charlie Brown” in high school. Happiness is a great song, perfect for your reflections this month. Thanks for sharing.

    1. // Reply

      Ahhh! I dream of doing it again as an adult in community theater. Wouldn’t that be fun?!?!

  2. // Reply

    Such a good point, it *is* important to keep enjoying the little things even when everything else is hard! I sometimes feel guilty if I’m enjoying *anything* when life is hard… But why punish myself for things beyond my control??

  3. // Reply

    These are fun to read! I really liked this one. I’m totally with you on not waiting for happiness around the next corner. Its hard to remember sometimes, especially when things are difficult, but it makes life so much better. Good thoughts!

    1. // Reply

      Thanks. Now I need to find some pizza with sausage…

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