First Communion


first communion

Today was a big day, because Cee received her First Communion!  It was a happy, happy day.

Cee looked beautiful, and she was so excited to receive Jesus.

Whew.  We didn’t know if we would make it to this point.  There were times we honest-to-goodness didn’t know if Cee would make it to ANY of the milestones we hold in our hearts for our children.  The only way to describe the emotion today is to say that it’s a simultaneous sigh of relief and pang of grief over how far she’s had to come.  Cee was able to walk down the aisle herself!  Last year or three years ago at this time, it would have been hard to believe that.  But today, we believe it.

Cee’s thin, delicate hands held Jesus today.  Just like He’s been holding her.  We can’t see it, but it doesn’t make it any less true.  Her suffering has made her wise beyond her years, and I think somehow she might understand this mystery better than we can.  So all we can do is feel the joy of the day and trust that no matter what tomorrow holds, we’ll get through it, too.

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